Surreal. strange, wacky, captivating - the South African view...

Grant Usher from South Africa was in
Rotorua for SSWC10 and wrote a great
article for the February 2011 issue of
Ride Magazine


It's a great snapshot of the whole week.
Grant and his mate, Jerrard weren't just here to race. They'd also thrown their hats in the ring to compete for SSWC11. They made the cut on Thursday night at Agroventures, when Australia was eliminated. 
Quiz night on Friday saw Italy and Canada binned, as well.

On Saturday, after the big race was run, it was a show-down - Ireland vs South African - in horizontal bungee for all the gold!
The SA team game hair-splittingly close but in the end it was Ireland who won.
Download the Ride article for the inside scoop on how it all went down. 

We get the feeling Grant and Jerrard will be supping Guinness in August and plotting how to get SSWC12 to Africa!

Good luck to them. Great guys and real singlespeeders. 

Photos: by our great team of volunteer shooters who worked their butts off for beer and t-shirts. Thanks to the Mikes (Vincent & Breen), Alan Ofsoski, Helen Brumby and Nick Lambert 


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